Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R2 Cu7

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Nov 02, 2013 On behalf of the AX In-Market Engineering team, I am happy to announce that cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 is.

On behalf of the AX In-Market Engineering team, I am happy to announce that cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 is now released on Partner Source and Customer Source. Download it now!

Module What’s new Accounts payable New options for configuring workflows for vendor invoices. For more information, see. Accounts receivable External documents can now be sent as email to a customer or vendor by using the email address that is specified by the address purposes. Any report can be sent as email to an internal employee by using the worker title. For more information, see. Budgeting.

You can create a budget plan worksheet template for Excel by using a wizard in Microsoft Dynamics AX. The budget allocation process is easier, because you can use ledger allocation rules for budgets. Budget planning workflows can be set up so that they can’t be accidentally deleted or reset. Budget planning workflows can be set up so that they require a parent budget plan. You can specify whether budget planning user groups (XDS policies) are used for budget planning.

You can also specify the number of associated budget plan lines to include when budget plans are exported to Excel. You can view worksheet and justification documents from the Budget plan page in Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX. The process of creating a budget plan from an existing budget plan is enhanced.

For more information, see. Fixed assets. You can now transfer more than one fixed asset at the same time. The acquisition cost of fixed assets can include a miscellaneous charge amount. The process for acquisition proposals or depreciation proposals for fixed assets can now be run in a batch process.

For more information, see. General ledger. An Excel template for journal entries is included on the virtual machine for demo data. More understandable posting messages for journal lines that have errors in the account combination. Delete an unposted journal that contains lines. View advanced rules for a main account.

Easier dimension setup for Excel integration. Display dimensions in a specified order in Management Reporter. For more information, see.

Human resources. (USA) New preparation reports available to help make it easier for employers to complete mandatory human resource reports. Changes to the forecast positions area.

You can require additional details when worker information is entered or changed, and optionally enable workflow. For more information, see.

Inventory management. New On-hand entries cleanup batch job can be used to delete unused entries for serialized on-hand inventory, helping to improve the performance of queries for on-hand inventory. You can combine two or more inventory batches into a new or existing batch. Added new Role Center for costing and inventory valuation For more information, see. Payroll. You can mass update benefit rates for workers. Tiered contribution calculation rates for retirement benefit plans.

Create and update payroll tax groups. (USA) Preparation of regulatory compliance reports for payroll. Separate positive pay statements for Payroll bank accounts.

For more information, see. Procurement and sourcing. Financial dimensions can be specified on sales agreements or purchase agreements. A Totals FactBox is added to the Purchase orders list page. For more information, see. Product information management You can determine prices using a product configuration model. For more information, see.

Production control Case management functionality is enhanced for documenting and releasing product changes to production. For more information, see. Project management and accounting. Use Microsoft Project to create or update a Microsoft Dynamics AX project plan, and integrate with an Office 365 SharePoint project site. Use Microsoft Project to create or update the work breakdown structure (WBS) for a Microsoft Dynamics AX project quotation. Create a WBS template for Microsoft Dynamics AX by using Microsoft Project. Expanded support for working with project teams, defining project role types, and managing projects.

Expanded support for managing worker assignments and capacity in projects. Enable audit trails on timesheet entry and reporting. Improved management of project tasks in a WBS. Improvements for creating WBS templates for project tasks. Intercompany pro forma invoices for project costs. For more information, see. Public Sector.

The primary address of the organization no longer has to be in France if you want to use the French public sector accounting rules. You can now dispose of more than one fixed asset at the same time. For more information, see.

Retail. Prompt for a reason code when the cashier opens the cash register drawer without performing a sale transaction. You can post store transactions from statements based on the end of the business day instead of the calendar day. You can use a new statement method to calculate statements by shift. Passwords can now be changed and reset in Microsoft Dynamics AX for Retail POS. Cashiers can view additional customer account information in Retail POS. For more information, see.

Sales and marketing You can calculate the sales price of an item by using an attribute-based pricing formula. For more information, see. Feature area What’s new AxBuild.exe AxBuild.exe accomplishes a full X compile to p-code on the AOS, and is much faster than compiling on the client. Backup and recovery We have added functionality for backup and recovery for cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2. For more information, see.

Data import, export, and migration As of cumulative update 7 for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, the Data Import/Export Framework is shipped as part of Microsoft Dynamics AX instead of as an add-on. If you have not installed cumulative update 7, the Data Import/Export Framework is available from the. For detailed information about the Data Import/Export Framework, see the. Office Add-ins for Microsoft Dynamics AX. Improved performance when you use the Office Add-ins. A new Validate dimensions button helps you locate and correct financial dimensions that were entered incorrectly or that are suspended. For more information, see.

Reporting. PowerShell command for integrating multiple Reporting Services instances with Microsoft Dynamics AX. New class to improve performance of the report server. Ability to email reports to specific people using tokens. New methods for setting advanced printer properties.

Management Reporter now installed with Microsoft Dynamics AX For more information, see. Sales tax processing. Sales taxes and ledger accounts can be reconciled more easily. Performance is improved for tax reporting.

You can post of sales tax amounts for intercompany transactions to either the source legal entity or the destination legal entity. For more information, see. Update installer. Support for express or advanced installation of application hotfixes. Advanced installation of hotfixes allows filtering by module, country/region, configuration key or business process from (if set up). The ability to export a list of updates to a file, so that you can later use the file to speed up applying application updates to another computer.

The Impact analysis wizard now enables you to select specific layers to analyze. In the software update checklist, the Merge code automatically checklist item was added. For more information, see. Country/region What’s new Belgium Generate electronic payment files for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debits. For more information, see.

Brazil. Generate and send DANFE as a PDF file. Configure multiple fiscal printers. Approximate taxes for items and services. Import and verify NF-e XML documents and DANFE from emails For more information, see.

Microsoft Dynamics Ax 2012 R2 Cu9

China Maintain the transfer history for fixed assets. For more information, see.

Czech Republic Create tax corrective documents for sales returns, sales discounts, and VAT corrections. For more information, see. Denmark Upload and maintain European Union (EU) entry certificates for items or services.

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For more information, see. Finland. Generate electronic payment files for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) credit transfers. Generate the Finnish sales tax payment report in a foreign currency.

For more information, see. France. Generate electronic payment files for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debits.

Generate electronic payment files for SEPA credit transfers. Generate general ledger reports based on the posting layer of the transactions. For more information, see. Germany. Generate electronic payment files for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debits. Generate electronic payment files for SEPA credit transfers. Generate and maintain EU entry certificates for items or services.

For more information, see. India. Tax thresholds and tax concession certificates for India. Use the sales tax hierarchy to process sales tax settlements, sales tax payments, and sales tax returns. For more information, see. Italy. Generate electronic payment files for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debits.

Generate electronic payment files for SEPA credit transfers. Generate a Spesometro declaration for domestic value-added tax (VAT) transactions. For more information, see.

Japan. Apply asset retirement obligation (ARO) to calculate interest expenses, depreciation amounts, and retirement costs. Calculate fixed asset impairments. Fixed asset reports for Japan. Reduction entry subsidy for Japan For more information, see.

Latvia Generate the value-added tax (VAT) declaration as an XML file. For more information, see. Netherlands Generate electronic payment files for SEPA direct debits. For more information, see.

Nachdem das SG-1 Team gegen Ende des siebten Jahres einen alten Aussenposten der Antiker gefunden hat, schafft es Dr. Jackson die Stargate. German

Norway Attach files and links to EHF electronic invoices. For more information, see.

Poland. Tax cost adjustments for overdue vendor payments. VAT corrections for overdue payments. Use exchange rates from the European Central Bank to recalculate VAT for sales invoices that use foreign currency. For more information, see.

Russia. Generate an alcohol declaration and journals. Register retail sales by using fiscal printer integration. Regulate the return of retail sales items at the POS. Create, print, and revise factures for invoices and credit notes. For more information, see.


Spain. Generate electronic payment files for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) direct debits. Generate electronic payment files for SEPA credit transfers.

Generate a payment due date compliance report that includes both vendor payments and promissory note transactions. For more information, see.

Switzerland Format validation for company identification numbers (UIDs). For more information, see. Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use in (LCS).