Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 Ps2 Iso Creator

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May 13, 2016 Ultraman Fighting Evolution 3 (ウルトラマン Fighting Evolution 3) Opening/Intro and All Characters/Character select [PlayStation 2/PS2] Buy Ultraman.

Aeons ago, the Ultramen of that time fought a battle against the strongest monsters ever, which they eventually won. The monsters couldn't be destroyed so they had to be frozen. The Ultramen went on a search for a planet where they could bury the monsters, knowing that this star-sytem was safe from dangers and deserted. However, the dead planet that they found evolved through the ages and eventually, life began to flourish.it was now named Earth. Due to man's ignorance and pollution of his planet, the monsters gradually awoke from their slumber on a planet unguarded by any Ultraman which led in turn that even more monsters came to Earth. The Ultramen of this era, knowing what had happened must now correct the mistakes their ancestors had made. They must save the Earth and stop the monster invasion.

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