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I feel like you're not understanding how Random works. It's intended to give you a sequence of random numbers. You don't need to create a bunch of different Random instances. You just need one with a given seed, which will return you the same sequence of random numbers every time. Random is not like the RND back in BASIC days that would give you one random number. Your application only needs one instance of the Random class from which to generate all of its random numbers.
– Aug 17 '12 at 17:37. In The Art of Computer programming, volume 2 there is a section dedicated to random numbers.
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You might be able to find what you are looking for in there. Project Euler uses the following psuedo random number generator in a few of its problems (252 and 375 are the ones I spotted first): S(0) = 290797 S(n+1) = (S(n))^2 mod 50515093 Obviously, this doesn't give you a walk up to maxint, but it gives an approach to your own that only requires you save the last result.
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If you are working with longs instead of ints, it would let work (for what its worth, 2^32-5 = 0xFFFFFFFB = 4,294,967,291 is the largest 32 bit prime). In the talk the presenter goes over a number of different options for doing random numbers. While that talks of C, it does give information that can be used to find a the right method in other languages. In particular, for well known uniform random number distributions the thing you want to find is mt19937 which stands for the with very particular parameters - its based on 2 19937 - 1.
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(11m into the talk). The key with the Mersenne twister is that it is very high quality pseudo-random numbers. If you poke around a bit, you can find implementations of it in.
The Specfically, for C# you can use 's to get random numbers in a thread safe way - no instantiation of new objects needed. A modification of the code should allow you to pass in a seed.
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TimeScale Creator TimeScale Creator, a free JAVA package, enables you to explore and create charts of any portion of the geologic time scale from an extensive suite of global and regional events in Earth History. The internal database suite encompasses over 20,000 biologic, geomagnetic, sea-level, stable isotope, and other events – details are given on the page. All ages in TSCreator version 6.8 are currently standardized to compilation.
The age model for TSCreator version 7.1 is from by J.G. Gradstein (Elsevier, 2016). TSCreator version 6.8 TSCreator version 7.1 All datapacks are now updated to the GTS2016 age model. Download datapacks Age model from: by F.M. Gradstein, J.G. Schmitz and G.M.
Ogg (Elsevier, 2012). Age model from: by J.G. Gradstein (Elsevier, 2016) How to use the program (a brief workshop and a detailed manual can be downloaded from our page): click to enlarge See for common questions.
TimeScale Creator provides a wealth of information for making charts and posters, such as these produced by the Geologic TimeScale Foundation. Try some of our additional of selected regional (e.g., British Isles facies successions, New Zealand range charts) or specialty stratigraphy (e.g., global reconstruction images, Ice cores and archeological culture intervals) from the TimeScale Creator library. All datapacks are now updated to the GTS2012 age model. NOTE: You can load and explore the datapacks, but only the PRO version enables saving your on-screen charts. Our version comes with additional datapacks, capability for saving advanced graphics from datapacks, information on how to create your own datapacks, advanced editing, and other features.
Licenses for the PRO are a donation to enable us to continue to compile and enhance the datasets and software systems. Provide on how we can improve the datasets and software.